Today, I just want to share my heart.
As we come to a close on the first month of 2015, I am reminded what a year of change this year has already proven to be.
I started out the new year with one last name and three days later I got a new last name. I moved into a new home. I got a new roommate. I started my last semester of college. I have started applying for jobs after graduation. And the talk of where God is going to take us after graduation has begun.
Change. Change. Change.
This is all new to me.
Through these changes I have learned that a close walk with God provides a life of continual newness. I have learned to let go of old ways and adapt to the new lifestyle that I am living.
Joseph and I have made it a point to seek the face of God together.
Through this I have learned that the Lord is fully attentive to our needs and desires.
He understands our thoughts completely and he desires for us to seek him in the good times and in the bad.
As husband and wife, WE are transforming. We are learning how to love God first and love each other second. We are learning how to share the love of Christ with everyone that we come into contact with and that is helping us grow.
Many people questioned us and told us we were making a horrible decision for getting married so young. We haven't even been married a month and I can tell you that getting married is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Joseph will tell you that, too. We have had so much fun in the past few weeks and our love has grown tremendously.
Aside from the people telling us how stupid we are, I have also had many people ask me how we make it work with being in school full time and working full time. And the answer is, we make it work the best we can. The kitchen isn't always clean, the laundry isn't always done, and the bed doesn't always get made first thing in the morning like I prefer - BUT, that is okay. We are learning one day at a time how to make this work and I am happy to share how we are doing that.
- Establish a time each day to spend with the Lord. With crazy schedules and not getting home until late some nights, it isn't always easy to find time to have a devotion. But we have learned that for our marriage to grow, we have to be growing on our own. We have devotionals on our own and then we do a devotion together each night before bed.
- Share and pray with each other! We have learned so much about each other within the past few weeks just by praying together. We used to pray together when we were dating, but we have taken it to another level now and it is teaching us so much.
- Laugh together!! We have learned that we aren't always going to do things the right way the first time. AKA- in the kitchen. Things will happen that aren't supposed to happen and that is okay.
- Forgiveness. This is huge. We didn't know what it would be like to live with each other. And we are quickly learning that each of us do things differently. If I'm being honest, this is more for me. I have had to teach myself to let go of my type A personality and just let things happen. I tend to get frustrated if things aren't done the way I want them done BUT I am learning to let go of that!
- Lastly, just show love. This ties together everything we have been learning about. When we put God at the forefront we automatically have a more loving and gracious heart and this is what we strive for.
We aren't perfect. We will not ever be perfect. We don't have a perfect marriage. But we are working each and every day to do what works for us so that we have a growing and thriving marriage. Our prayer is that by growing together in the Lord, we can share his love with others.
Marriage is a ministry and we are striving to make ours grow.
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