Monday, August 19, 2013

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow"

These last couple of days have felt like a whirlwind. Joe and I moved back to Lynchburg last week to begin our junior year and I feel like we haven't slowed down since. Today was my first day and I spent the whole day in the hospital doing orientation. On the bright side of that I was doing orientation for my OB (Labor & Delivery) class that I am absolutely going to LOVE! And this brings me to the whole reason I'm writing this post...
Over the past month or so I have begun praying for this semester, for God to cover me and help me get through this crazy, busy time in my life. I have heard horror stories about the "junior year" of nursing and to be honest I have been a little nervous. But in the back of my mind there has always been this little bit of peace, and a voice telling me that I have nothing to worry about. So many times I fail God but it is amazing to me that He knows my every thought and even when I doubt Him, He never gives up on me. He has reminded me in so many ways that all I have to do is trust and He will guide me through.
Last night as I was doing my devotion, I really didn't have anything specific to read so I let the Lord guide me and He gave me exactly what I needed to hear. Isn't it cool how He works? In my time spent with Him, He reminded me that no matter where my life takes me I have to live for Him and only Him. I cannot strive to make myself who I want to be for other people, I have to strive to be the person that God created [me] to be. It was just an eye opener for me to see that who I am is exactly who I'm supposed to be. Where I am in life is exactly where I am supposed to be. And there is nothing I can do about that. For so many years I have prayed about being a nurse and worried about not getting into the program, but time and faithfulness is all it took. God taught me that every blessing in my life will come in due time. I worried day after day about not being smart enough and having good enough grades. I worried about not being good enough in general and how I could change myself to be good enough. And last night I was reminded that it doesn't matter if I'm good enough for anyone else, they don't see what God sees. All I have to do is put forth my best effort and trust in Him and my efforts will be rewarded. This is the same with any situation. It is hope for people who are going through a "storm" in their life. ALWAYS remember that it doesn't matter how other people see you, God is the ONLY one that matters. And when you devote your life 100% to Him, He will bless you in ways you never imagined.
"It takes strength and patience to stand firm until God moves in our lives."
Another story I read last night about dealing with the doubts was the story of the Disciples and how Jesus calmed the storm. The Disciples doubted and feared for their lives, but Jesus had already made His promises and they had nothing to be in fear of. God has already spoken promises into our lives... we have not one single thing to fear or doubt. So why do we still worry every single day? Jesus is with us and He will see us through to the other side. He will help you reach the destination in your life. You may face hardships and challenges, but never give up hope. Go through it and fight the battle. But know that Jesus is with you and He will see you through until the end.
"We are never the same when Jesus takes us through different seasons of our lives."
What an awesome promise!!
All this to say.. I have been praying so hard for this semester and for God's plan in my life to be revealed. I have been dealing with doubts and fears of the unknown future and what I am going to do with my life. So last night I prayed so hard for God to just comfort me and allow me to receive his blessings in due time. Well this morning He showed me who is boss. He reassured me that nursing is definitely my calling and I am, in fact, exactly where I need to be in life. Also, within the time span of about 3 hours.. He had answered almost every prayer I prayed last night. Ummm... WOW!! I was so blown away and humbled.
I am going to share my number one praise....
Some people may know, some may not.. But for some time I have really been contemplating on going to Medical School after I graduate from my undergrad in nursing. I have been supported in this decision by many people but it just never sounded right. If I want to be a doctor why am I going to nursing school? Crazy, right? Anyways... this morning I got an email that may have seemed so minor to others but to me it was a complete and total testimony to answered prayers. The email I received stated that Liberty is considering offering the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program. For me this means that I would possibly be able to apply after undergrad and begin my career path to becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife. This was so much for me to take in. I was so overwhelmed with happiness.
God is SO good.
I know this is a long post, but it is a testimony that I hope will encourage many people to NEVER give up on your dreams. God knows what you have in mind and He has a very detailed and perfect plan for your life. Don't try to live for anyone but Him. You will face storms and discouraging times in your life, but never give up on the one who created you. He will only close doors to open up better ones. If you think it's "your" life plan and he closes that door, don't be discouraged! Look forward to the bigger blessings that He is going to bring into your life. Stand firm through the tough times and allow God to work in your life. Never doubt him because He has given you a definite purpose for your life.
You will receive God's best when He becomes the best in your life.
Sorry this was so long. I just had to share. Be a blessing to someone this week!! You never know what someone may be going through, a smile could change their entire day!
[Psalm 37:4-5]

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